About this blog

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Why I started this blog… I adore books and over almost 20 years, have amassed a large collection of living books (more on that later!) for children that is growing. I have been blessed with a patient and kind husband who has not questioned or refused any book purchase, and with generous friends who have donated to my cause 🙂 Alhamdulillah.

I am also hopelessly drawn to old book stores – I enjoy going to these quaint, messy places without any book lists or expectations because I love that feeling of surprise and joy when I unearth a gem. I like to say that my job is rescuing books that need a home, so you know that there are always books at my house! 🙂

I might say that I have so many because of my children, but truth be told, I love children’s literature. I have often been asked to recommend books for the local homeschooling community and have also done private consultations for interested mums. Yes, I actually trundle over to people’s houses with a suitcase of books and talk about all the best reads and resources for learning. Needless to say, I am quite obsessed with books and am almost never without one in my hand.

For years, my husband urged me to start a blog about books. After a lot of hems and haws (I am a notorious over-thinker and self-doubter!), I decided to take up the challenge because:

  1. I will now have the license to buy even more books and not have to hide my latest purchases under the bed! I can virtuously now say it is for work. Haha 😉
  2. It will mean that the real stars of our learning and homeschooling days will be front and centre 😉
  3. It makes me truly happy when a child says he/she loves reading.

What you’ll find in this blog… This blog will be a labour and service of love, God willing. You’ll find reviews of the books I own, particularly children’s and Young Adult books. Have I also mentioned that I am a curriculum junkie? No? Well, I am! So, you’ll also find my honest reviews of what has worked and what has not for homeschooling.

Along the way, I’ll include reviews of books that I have found enjoyable for myself as well. 

So, grab a cup of chai and read with me 🙂

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